Great Ways to Relieve Stress!

Great Ways to Relieve Stress!

StressGet Some Me Time!

Relaxrelaxing bath

You can definitely relieve stress by taking time to relax. It is really important to set aside some time each day to gather yourself. Take a few minutes to breathe deeply and relax. If you think you don’t have time to do so, just think of how much time you’re going to lose repeating task, taking longer to get them done or developing health issues because of the stress! Sometimes, all we need is a few minutes to close our eyes and think tranquil thoughts and of how great we will feel when all of this is over! Try it!

If you have a little more time, take a walk, or a relaxing bath. There’s nothing like walking or washing away stress! If a vacation is not an option, try a “stay-cation.” You might be surprised what a change in scenery or surrounding can do.

Get Some Professional Help! stress2

Life, at times, can prove to be overwhelming. There’s no reason to go it alone! There are great resources that can assist you so that stress doesn’t control your life! Getting help doesn’t mean you’re weak, it means you’re wise enough to know when you need help and strong enough to get the help you need!

Stress can lead to physical, emotional, and mental disorders. When we are affected by stress, it shows up in our work, our relationships, and manifests itself in our bodies. Surveys show that 70% of all diseases are stress related. That is an incredibly large number for something we can learn not only to manage but control! You want to show up 100% in every situation. Getting help before during to lower stress and after to maintain a stress free atmosphere is a courageous act! Show your strength by getting some assistance! As a life coach, I am, like many others, trained to help individuals master the art of distressing! Get help today!

Be Grateful!

Count Your Blessings!  count your blessings

There are times when just a little reminder of the things we can be grateful for can help remove tension and relieve stress. Everything can be in an uproar but if we take time to see what’s is going well or to acknowledge that things really could be worse, it helps put things into perspective for us.

Just being thankful for the good in your life changes your thoughts, therefore, changing your emotions and your actions. This in turn will change your atmosphere and help you distress! If we only see what’s wrong, it doesn’t allow us the space to focus on what’s right and we miss all of the good things that are often right under our noses!


Make A To Do List! prioritize

Take time to prioritize the things you have to do. Order them by importance and then complete those at the top of you list either in order of importance or shortest length of time to complete, whichever works best for you. Sometimes getting easier tasks out of the way helps to give a sense of accomplishment. When we feel as though we have made some progress, tension is subsided. When our schedules are packed, we have to be careful to maintain order. Time management is a great skill to develop to keep stress to a minimum. Get organized and be careful not to blow deadlines! You can stay on top of things and not let them get on top of you.