Guest Post: Who Cares For You?

Take some time and care for YOU!

authentic woman

Happy Monday, women of purpose! As the saying goes, “even a coach needs a coach!” When you’re out here trying to become the best person you can be and share your ‘self’ with the world’s people, including family, friends ,the job, co-workers and loved ones, you know for yourself; sometimes the giver in you can become depleted. It doesn’t matter who you are or where in life you are; whether you are a coach, mentor, consultant, pastor, or Mrs. Jones from the block, the time will come when-you will need a shoulder or listening ear.

I’m excited to introduce you to our guest today! Please join me in welcoming Transformational Life Coach, Author and Poet, Ollie Anderson to Authentic Woman:

1364854997168As women, we are natural caregivers, nurtures by design. It’s simply our DNA. We tend to give and give and GIVE until we have nothing left for ourselves or…

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Now Imagine That!


The Freedom of ImaginationI

Ideally, the imagination is defined as the faculty of imagining or of forming mental images or concepts of what is not actually present to the senses. The faculty of producing ideal creations consistent with reality. A concept or mental creation, the ability to face and resolve difficulties; resourcefulness.

I like to define it as an open window to the soul that allows in the fresh air of creativity, vitality, self awareness and harnesses growth and development.  It is where God drops possibility into what we call reality.

What if you could close your eyes and sleep and when you wake up everything in your life was just as you imagined it to be.  What would have taken place through the night? What does it look like? How does it feel?

Well, if you can imagine it, then it is possible! If you really want it God and creation will help you obtain it. Imagination is a force that can actually manifest a reality ~ James Cameron

So, what’s the game plan? It’s the bottom of the ninth, you have 2 outs and 2 strikes against you but you also have the bases loaded. But, guess what? It’s your game, your rules, play for however long you’d like and no matter how many times you have struck out, you always come up to bat again!

 imagination 2

You have to ability to define and redefine, imagine and re-imagine your life, your business, your relationships and every other area of your life. If there’s an area you’d like to see change in, work from the end backward.  What do I mean by that? Well, I’m glad you asked!  Imagine the end result and then devise your plan to get there. Redefine as often as needed to keep you on track. Remember to enjoy the journey not just the destination.  Give yourself permission to see the sights along the way, who knows where your inspiration or answers may come from.

I remember contemplating whether or not I should allow a young lady to come stay in my home. She needed help and though I didn’t have the space, I had a heart to support her in life.  As I was driving down the road, I saw a license plate with her name on it and the number 8 which I know denotes new beginnings.  It was a “sign” to me to help her get a new beginning. God will send us signs and signals where ever we are open enough to receive them.

With so many people committing suicide from being overwhelmed with life, I wonder how many of us really utilize our God given tools such as our imagination. Tomorrow can be a better, brighter day if we just tap into ability to recreate our atmosphere. Life is the greatest gift we could have ever been given and it can be great with just a stretch of our imagination!

You can have a wonderful life, a powerful love, great relationships, thriving business anything your heart desires. Now, take some time and IMAGINE THAT!

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If you choose to take the path of redirection through imagination, I’d love to support you in this endeavor using my 25+ years of experience helping others make the small shifts in life that yield huge results!

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Ready Set Go!

The path to life has many twist and turns.  The road we travel starts at birth and doesn’t end until we bid this life farewell. This road is accessed for work as well as play. If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will lead you there!

There are times when  we know exactly where we are going and how long it will take to get there.  Trips like these are the easy strides in life, the state of mind that says “I know where I am going, what I want and exactly how to get it !”

Other times along life’imagess journey we may experience road blocks, construction or other detours along the way.   There may be signs, however, sometimes we miss them and have to go further up the road only to have to turn around and come back. If we fail to turn around we could find ourselves lost and out of GPS range.   Those small detours can sometimes set us back significantly on our journey.

As mentioned earlier, there are times we access this road for the purpose of vacation, fun or business. When life takes us on a trip of pleasure, feeling the wind blow through our hair on the open road on our trip to explore the joys of life is indescribable.  What we fail to remember is that we can have that feeling no matter where it is in life we’re headed.

Whether I’m on the road to relationships or business and there’s a few potholes along the way, this shouldn’t discount the joy along the rest of the trip.Family

When we learn that life offers neither good or bad, right or wrong (as judgments) but only opportunities, we tend to see each trip differently!

As a Christian AuthoA guide to lover and Life Coach, my assignment is to help you navigate through the roads of life and if we can’t avoid some of the pit falls, at least we can either anticipate them, maneuver around them or at least make the fall a little less painful.  I write books to help those who desire help reach and obtain their goals in relationships, spiritual growth and development, career shifts, healthy eating and exercise just to name a few.


My goal is to die empty of all that God pours into me to help make sure his people live! Pick up one of my books today, read a blog or connect with me as your life coach and watch life change for the better!

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