3 Easy Steps to A Healthier New You without a New Year’s Resolution!

What Are You Waiting For?

The New Year is just around the corner.   Now is a great time to celebrate what you have accomplished this year and assess what can be done to make next year NY resol 3a better year.  How many New Year’s resolutions dropped off your radar by January 15th?  How many of them never even made it past day one?  How would it feel to never have to make another resolution ever again?

Though, resolutions may seem like a great idea, statistics show that nearly 95% of people fail to keep them each year.  Stop being a part of the statistic!  The good news is, you don’t have to wait until the New Year and you don’t need a resolution.  What you need NY resol 1is a plan.  You’ve got to have a plan!  It was Benjamin Franklin who wisely reminded us, “If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail!”  The key is setting practical, realistic and obtainable goals that will lead you toward the “New You” you’re desiring to become.  Here are three easy steps to help you see a “Healthier New You!”

  • Step One – Decide Upon Your Goal

Decide upon your ultimate goal and realistically how long you want to take to obtain it.  Be totally honest with yourself about how much you really desire to meet this goal. You will need to take into account several things that you’ll need to accomplish your goal, such as:

  • The amount of time you are able to set aside and when (before/after work, weekdays/weekends),
  • The amount of effort it will take (physically, mentally, financially, emotionally),
  • Who will be a part of your support team (friends, family, coach, trainer), as well as
  • The reason you want to accomplish this goal (well-being, quality of life, look/feel better).


  • Step Two – Put Your Plan In Place

If your goal has made it through Step One, now you can make a plan of action and put it into place.  Evaluate what you will need to do on a monthly, weekly and daily basis to meet your goal within your allotted time frame.  Outline your complete plan but fully complete a plan for Month 1.  Yes, one month. If there are tools already created that can assist you, by all means, use them! You don’t have to reinvent the wheel!

For instance – If your goal is to lose 50 pounds in ten months, outline your plan for the ten month period.  Then, for short-term goals, break your ten month plan down a month at a time.  Your short-term goal might be to lose 5 pounds a month.  This equates to about 1.25 pounds a week.  Your plan should include daily and weekly tasks that point you toward your five-pound a month goal.  If you have access to preplanned meals, or recipes, use them.  If you follow your plan consistently, you will ultimately, reach your 50 pound goal.

Don’t beat yourcelebrationself up if things didn’t go as intended.  If this is something you really want, the secret is to never give up!  You are right where you were meant to be! Also, remember to reward yourself for your accomplishments.  Don’t down play small steps, nothing is insignificant.   Celebrate the small victories!

  • Step Three – Evaluate and Adjust

Each month, take the time to evaluate how well or how poorly you may have doneevaluation.  Then adjust your plan accordingly for the following month.   If you are struggling in an area of your plan, be sure and make the necessary adjustments.  Evaluate if that portion of your plan can be modified, replaced or totally eliminated.  On the flip side, if part of your plan is working well, you might consider ramping it up a bit next month!  There’s a saying, “It’ll work if your work it!”  Work your plan!   Keep working it and working on it until you accomplish your goal.

Decide your goal.  Put your plan in place.  Evaluate and adjust as needed.  If you want a “Healthier New You” without all the hassle and guilt of unrealized New Year’s resolutions, you’ve got to do things differently!  With these steps, you won’t have the cloud of a failed New Year’s resolution hanging over your head to make you feel guilty.  In fact, you’ll more than likely find yourself smiling quite a bit as your progress becomes more and more evident.  These 3 easy steps will have you celebrating the New Year all year long!

Happy New Year – Healthy New You! HNY 2016

Dr. Ollie Anderson



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Dr. Orley Anderson is the youngest of 13 children born to Pastor Henry and Essie W. Linzy of Chicago, IL. (Both deceased). Anderson is a mother of 3, grandmother of 3, Godmother of 7 and spiritual mother/advisor of countless others. Anderson grew up on the Westside of Chicago. Though the neighborhood she grew up in was considered poor, Dr. Anderson remembers always having what was needed materially. Anderson received her Associates in Applied Science at Wilbur Wright College and went on to acquire her Bachelor of Science Christian Counseling, Master of Science Christian Counseling and her Doctorate of Christian Counseling at Dowell Institute Theological Seminary. Anderson is also a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and an Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP). Both certifications obtained through (iPEC) Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching. Dr. Anderson has received numerous awards and accolades in both the professional and spiritual arenas for her hard work, dedication and service to the community. Dr. Anderson was ordained as an Elder in the Baptist Church in November of 1992. She has spent countless years mentoring and counseling couples and individuals to help them get their lives back on track. Anderson’s endeavor in life is to live her life to make the lives of others better. Anderson believes “Most of us have done things in life that we wish we had not done. We struggle through guilt, hurt, depression, shame and other emotions that seem to pull us deeper into that black hole of self-torment. It is her belief that we can recover! There is a way out!” Because of her struggles in life, Anderson began to pen her life’s journey as a form of healing and inspiration for herself. As she chronicled these experiences, through song, poetry and narratives of life events, she discovered her purpose. The joy of sharing her expression of love, life, tragedy and triumph, inspired Ollie to follow her dream of becoming an author and Life Purpose Coach. As a Life Coach she uses the wisdom of life lessons, her intuitive spirit, experience and extensive education to help others succeed in their lives and follow their dreams. Her main goal is to liberate others and support them in their endeavor to live optimal lives. As a published author with two books and an active blogger, she uses her pen to share knowledge from her personal and spiritual experiences. Her desire is to inspire others to keep going in life amidst trials and adversities they may encounter — she does this all within the pages of her blogs and her books, including her latest book “FORGIVEN: The Cost of the Oil.”

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