You – Your Most Precious Commodity!

Quote of the day: “When you value yourself, the world follows suit!” ~ Lisa Nichols #what’sinyourwallet?

Have you ever stopped to think about your value?  If you were worth  gold how much would that be? Would inflation drive your value down or would you be a rising force within the world you live in?

We often fail to see how valuable we are to ourselves and others!  People attempt to commit suicide because they don’t see the value in their lives.  The truth of the matter is this, we are all valuable and have a place in the world! We are all unique and no one can be you, but YOU!

There’s a song by Hezekiah Walker that says, “I need you to survive!” For me, that means that in order for me to survive, you have to survive as well.  It also means, that I need, want and desire you to make it, to survive! If you survive, I gain strength.

If we are all aware that we need each other and that we have a strong inner need for them to make it, the world would be more kind, loving and compassionate place to inhabit!

So, what’s in your life’s wallet? What do you think you’re really worth?  Well, take that and multiply it by a million because you’re worth that and much more to me! I NEED YOU TO SURVIVE!

Contact me for your FREE Guide to survival!

Are You Detail Oriented?

“I want to know Gods thoughts… the rest are details!” ~ Einstein #what’sonyourmind?


What is consuming your thoughts?  Are you consumed with the cares of this world or have you decided to “let this mind be in you?”

 When we choose to have the thoughts of God, everything else is secondary.  Nothing is able to take FULL residence in our mind!  Serve an eviction notice to the things that have crowded your mind that have no relevance to your future…. after all, they’re only details!

Contact me for your FREE guide on “The Mind, It’s A Terrible Thing to Waste!”


The Greatest Gift of All!

Quote of the day:One of the greatest gift we can give to the world is learning to love ourselves so that we can love others better!~Ollie Anderson #loveiscontagiousinfectme!

When I learn to love myself I experience all the joy that loving me entails. This allows me to share that joy with you. I learn that by loving me, I am capable of loving you more! This kind of love is contagious and spreads rapidly! Spread a little love today!

Contact me for your FREE guide to Learning to Love Yourself!

Empty From Giving to Others?

Quote of the day: “If you take the time to refuel yourself, you serve others from a place of abundance and overflow!” ~Lisa Nichols #fillmycuptilitoverflows!

Life got you drained? You’ve given so much of yourself there doesn’t seem to be any left for you? Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget what living is all about!

When was the last time you took time for yourself?  When was the last time you went to the spa, took a leisurely walk in the park, took a hot bath or gave yourself a mani-pedi? What does rest and relaxation look like to you or are they so distant they’re just vague memories?

Boy have I got the solution for you! Brace yourself, this might just take you by storm!… Try the coach approach!

Contact me  and start to live a better life today!

We don’t see th…

We don’t see the world as it is, we see it as we are. -Anais Nin #opticalillusion

When we look at our view of the world, it is framed by our culture, our environment, our beliefs and our character. This is why two people can have the same experience but two totally different outcomes or points of view.

Relationship coaching helps you view yourself differently, therefore, you picture the world, your world and the people in it in a different light. With this elevation of thought there is a higher level of communication which results in a greater life today!

how do you see the world? Contact me for a free consultation and start living a great life today!